Friday, March 18, 2011

Just the Facts, Ma’am

By: Cindy

I’m not sure how much time I have to blog today, not because I am in a hurry, but because my computer battery is about to die and charging it is not as easy as plugging it into the wall. Anyway, here is the low-down on the week.

Our family finally got over our illnesses by Sunday and we were most thankful for that! We were even more thankful that Kaela managed to escape contracting the sickness! Lucky girl! This week has been a good one and very, very busy!

School started this week at the RTC next door to our house, so Aaron’s mornings were full of teaching. He teaches three classes of English and three classes of Bible each week. He really enjoys the work it takes to put together a curriculum and teaching the students! I’ll tell more about the school and how it works next week.

My Tuesday afternoon women’s Bible study went ahead as planned this week. This study has “technically” been in the works for four weeks now, but we’ve only been able to study two of those weeks. Our first week got post-poned due to the cyclone and our third week (last week) I had to cancel because I was in no shape to teach. I had a good turnout of about 10 women this week, one of whom is a Mormon and another who is a very passionate Presbyterian, although she believes a little bit of everything and has no idea why she believes what she believes when those beliefs come up against Scripture. But, she asks a lot of questions and I am only too happy to answer! Questions are good! They help people learn the Truth!

In fact she has so many questions this week that some of the other women present were getting ansy. So, I suggested that she (Rachel) and I study together just the two of us at another point during the week. She was glad about the idea and we set up a study time for Thursday after lunch. Unfortunately, true to Vanuatu culture, when I arrived at her house to study I found out that she had gone to the other side of the island – to get away from me? – No…just kidding. :o) She went to a “dead” or funeral for a family member and won’t be back probably until the weekend. Last minute changes of plans are never unusual here so we’ll just see how things pan out for next week!

Aaron and I see so much potential for the church here to grow. Many people are asking questions and wanting to learn more about what we are teaching from the Bible. The real battle comes in getting them to let go of the false teaching that they have been holding on to for so many years, so that their eyes and their hearts might be open to the truth. Please continue to pray for our work here. We know the blessings that come from being in Christ and want so much for others to see and to share in those as well!

1 comment:

  1. God Bless you all as you continue to share the truth in love. miss you all, Jeanette, Antony, Kevin & Jeremiah
